Jerky Dynasty Brand Jerky: Behind the Scenes
In case you hadn’t noticed, we’ve got our own house brand of old fashioned jerky now, and we think it’s awesome. If you’re reading our blog, we know you love jerky, but do you know how it’s made? The process and ingredients can vary from one manufacturer to another, so we thought we’d fill you in a bit on how our house brand gets from the cow to your doorstep.
Good food always begins with good ingredients. In our old fashioned jerky, we only use the round of the meat sliced a very particular way. The quality starts here – we aren’t using processed or reconstructed meat to make our pride and joy.
Each piece is sliced in a specific direction at a consistent thickness – calculated to optimize both tenderness and flavor. And the good ingredients continue as the meat marinades in the freshest spices we can find – no artificial seasonings (or smoke flavoring) in our high quality meat.
After it is marinated every piece is inspected by the staff to guarantee consistency and quality at the skewering stage.
This is when the raw meat is laid over stainless steel rods in preparation for smoking and drying. Slices are properly spaced to allow hot air and smoke to penetrate from all angles. Each rod is hung on a rolling rack which is then taken to its own individual closed smoking chamber.
Inside the closed smokehouse, a blend of a variety of wood chips soaked in water burn slowly smoking the meat, and the jerky cooks slowly at a very low heat. Over the course of 5-7 hours in the smokehouse, the circulated warm air dries out and cures the meat. And the smoke infuses the flavor.
Thickness is measured, strips are cut, and weight is measured before packaging. And once again, every piece of jerky is again meticulously inspected by staff. Before the jerky reaches the bag, each individual pouch is flushed with nitrogen, - because oxygen is fresh food’s worst enemy. Each bag is then filled with an oxygen absorbing package to further promote freshness, and receives the jerky. It then gets sealed, boxed, and shipped to us – so we can get it in your hands as quickly as possible!
Our Jerky is made in the USA, and you may have noticed its shelf life is shorter than some other brands you may have purchased – that’s because it isn’t overly preserved with harmful chemicals. Plus, it’s so good it won’t last long in your pantry anyway. Don’t believe us? Order some today!