$64.99 USD

Booze + Beef Jerky – a winning combination that has no doubt been enjoyed since the 1500’s when a tribe in South America was doing their thing making hooch and dehydrating meat. Native Americans refined the art of jerky and traded it for the distilled spirits of the Europeans. It’s a combo that kept the pioneers sustained as they traveled the Oregon Trail (at least, those that didn’t die of dysentery or flip their wagon while fording the river). And now – centuries later – the popular mancave staple pairing is still going strong. It’s no fluke that beef and beer share the same first three letters and that “moos” rhymes with “booze”. 

You may be the most interesting man in the world, but when you find yourself swabbing the decks with friends in low places and dreaming of that Tequila sunrise…we’ve got just the thing for you. ‘Cause some of the best things in life come in 6 packs – and this is no exception.

The 6 Pack Alcohol Collection is great for:

  • Guilt-free AM boozing
  • A hangover cure that doesn’t require cooking
  • A special snack for that next game day gathering
  • Your friend’s stock the bar housewarming party
  • An anniversary gift he’ll rave about
  • Your favorite college grad

With high quality, delicious meats from the likes of Black Label, Northwest Bierhaus, and Oregon Wine County And Whiskey Hill Smokehouse – handcrafted, marinated and infused with your favorite adult beverages -  it should be obvious what the buzz is all about. If you like your beef with Rum, Tequila, Whiskey, Beer, or wine…this is a must-try.

The best 6 pack you’ll ever receive includes:

 **Alcohol brands are subject to change**