10 reasons Jerky is the best snack for your summer roadtrip

Claire Patrick

We're about halfway through summer, but there's still plenty of time for an epic getaway. Whether you're driving cross-country or just getting outside the city for a weekend, you won't want to hit the road without snacks.  And we'd like to tell you why jerky's the best choice to fuel your drive. 


10 Reasons Jerky Rules for Roadtrips: 

  1. You're gonna' get sick of fast food french fries. 
  2. Jerky won't melt all over your upholstery, unlike chocolate.Chocolatey car mess
  3. Need a moment of quiet in the car? Jerky takes a while to chew, so it'll keep your traveling companions' mouths busy. 
  4. Gas station snacks just don't deliver. And boy are they overpriced! 
  5. It's full of protein to keep you from getting hangry.
  6. Sodium helps prevent dehydration - so you can drink less and make fewer stops! 
  7. There's nothing better than eating meat at 70mph! 
  8.  You can match your meat to your destination. Going to Louisiana? How 'bout some Cajun Alligator?
  9. Jerky sticks are a great space saver if you're packing light. 
  10. EVERYBODY loves jerky! 

Ten reasons not enough to make jerky your go-to roadtrip snack? We'll give you one more. Use code ROADTRIPPIN17 at checkout for 10% off! (Good through 8/15/2017). 

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Love, Marriage, and Jerky

Claire Patrick

Planning your summer nuptials? You’re not the only one. The summer months are incredibly popular for weddings. While fall weddings are gaining popularity, 13% of all weddings happen in June

wedding rings

Why June? Perhaps you picked June because you’re a fan of mid-century-musicals, and “They say when you marry in June you’re a bride all your life, and the bridegroom who married in June gets a sweetheart for a wife.” Or maybe you’re a history buff, and follow the Celtic calendar, or wanted to marry in the month named after Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage and childbirth. Obscure trivia your guide to life? How’s the “great unwashed” for a reason? There’s a chance you might simply want to walk the aisle in June because it’s your summer vacation, or the right flowers are in bloom.

Regardless of your reason, we’re here to help - no matter what side of the shindig you’re on.

If you’ll be the ones exchanging vows this summer, we’ve venture to guess you’ve got your best friends or family backing you up at the alter. You know - those folks that planned everything from wedding showers to bachelor/ette parties for you? They deserve a little thanks. And that’s where we come in. We’ve got an entire landing page of goodies that make great groomsmen gifts. If you’re a bride, your best gals might like some protein to keep their knees from shaking on the big day - maybe some summer sausage for that wine and cheese board in the bridal suite?  


Maybe you’re the best man? Nothing saves a bachelor party like alcohol...jerky. Or get the groom a gift he can use to decorate the man cave in his new shared digs - an ammo can filled with snacks


Or you could be the perpetual wedding guest - the one with 15 different wedding invitations and save the dates on your fridge. Tired of hitting up the ‘Triple B Box Store’ and looking at registries? Skip the pots, pans, and linens and get the happy couple something they’ll remember - a subscription to our Exotic Jerky of the Month Club! And when your turn rolls around, we’ll be here suggesting your wedding guests to do the same!

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Get that beach body with beef jerky!

Claire Patrick

If you’re counting down the calendar days ‘til summer, we’ve got about 8 weeks left - technically. But we all know summer begins long before the solstice. And with pool parties, lake outings and beach vacations on the horizon, being ready for swimsuit season has surely crossed your mind, if not taken priority. According to a survey by Planet Fitness, 33% of Americans would rather go to the dentist than don a swimsuit.


Regardless of whether you’re only mildly panicked or having a full blown freakout, we’ve got your back. There’s no need to do a drastic cleanse or a trendy diet. Just change the way you’re snacking!

Jerky is both high in protein and low in calories - which means it will keep you full for longer. It also won’t raise your insulin levels—a hormone that signals your body to store fat. Jerky makes a great snack between meals, especially if you’re trying to lose weight.

Does dreaming of the beach have you spending more time in the gym? A study published in The FASEB Journal showed that doubling your protein intake along with exercise may be the key to losing fat pounds without dropping muscle mass. And an added bonus? Our jerky sticks and snack packs are just the right size to toss in your gym bag.

Consider yourself a pescatarian? Not a problem - we’ve got several fish jerky options to tide you over ‘til the tide rolls in. Road tripping to the ocean? Why stop for fast food burgers when you’ve got protein in your purse, sans all the grease. And honestly, when you’re on the beach with your toes in the sand and jerky in your hand, you’ll be content whether or not you hit your goal weight. But as long as there’s still time and you’re still trying to shed those pounds, we’ve got your snacking regimen covered.

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